3 reasons your indoor plants are dying
My mom kept any plant alive, even the once that i nearly killed. I never had green fingers, any plant under my care never survived and had always called her to my rescue. But after a while i learnt from her what the magic touch was, see am good with animals, so she taught me how to carry the same affection towards my pets to the plants and it worked.
I grew fond of the plants around me, i try as much as possible to give them the best nutrients. So am going to let you on a secret of how to make your plants happy.
1. Give them light
Sunlight is very essential for their growth, it's like how we humans take nutritious food. On the other hand make sure the sun is not directly into their leaves, try and regulate the amount of light because to much of it might dry up the plant.
Place them on the window or somewhere with a shade e.g. a veranda
2. Water the Plants 1x a day
Water is life,no matter the kind of species, apart from aliens of course. I never understood the impact of water to plants until when i had forgotten to water my fern plant and the next day it started drying up, i was so frantic, had been giving her water all week faithfully and i miss one day and that was it. I started reading about my plant and i discovered its among the most sensitive plants and they need a lot of care.
3. Buy them food.
Yes! Girl gotta eat. If you don't have green thumb like i do, this will definitely have you in the WOW! moments. I didn't know about it either, that you can feed your plants and am not taking about manure am taking about nutritious food recommended for different kinds of plants!
See if you have indoor plants, their source of nutrients come from the soil and its absorbed through the roots, hence after a while of extracting nutrients from the soil without added nutrients to it, the soil tends to be bare with no more nutrients rendering the plant "hungry" . That is when the food comes in , so make sure you feed them once a month to enable them grow.
That's it everyone 😊 I am not yet crowded a green finger gang but am headed there.
I hope your plants survive with you as you learn
Cheers 🍷🍷🍷
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